Introducing our Loyalty Points Program
We Appreciate Your Loyalty!
Once you have enrolled, points are tracked electronically in our database. Points can be accumulated and used towards a retail or service purchase. The program is FREE!
How to get started:
Simply apply with an active email account. You will begin earning points immediately. Points are accumulated through everyday transactions.
How much are your points worth?
100 points = $1
Points are credited to your account in our database to be redeemed towards service or retail purchase.
$5.00 can be used towards a service of $55 or more
Up to $25.00 can be used towards any retail
How to redeem points?
You can use points once you’ve accumulated 500 points ($5 value)
Here's a list of how you can start accumulating points:
Reserve your next appointment .................... 1 point
Refer a New Guest………………................... 500 points
(in addition, you'll receive a gift of $25 towards any retail product)
Services……………………………………….2 points per dollar spent
Retail ..............................................................4 points per dollar spent